IICRC Proposes New IAQ Standard for Remediation Contractors

January 23, 2023

Institute for Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) released a 45-day draft review of a new S520 consensus standard for professional remediation of microbial growth. It is a framework to be used by indoor air quality professionals, site inspectors, technicians and remediation contractors.

The IICRC has around 49,000 certified technicians and 6,500 certified remediation companies. It is a member of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 

The proposed IICRC S520 standard could significantly lower the cost of mould cleanup and is intended for use by people in the mould remediation sector. 

The removal of additional biological agents like Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans, Hanta virus, animal-derived diseases, or highly infectious organisms is not taken into account. The specific methods and procedures for the restoration, remediation, or elimination of hazardous or highly regulated elements are also not included.

The IICRC S520 standard advises against using chemical agents to denaturize microbial growth and instead advises against using them until after a thorough cleaning and remediation to stop microbial growth in the future.

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