Italy Implements New Tax Stamp System for Tobacco Products

January 17, 2024

The Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) published a circular on January 17, 2024, in Italy, outlined in Legislative Decree No. 504, to redetermine the features of tax stamps for tobacco and tobacco-related items.  It identifies legitimate packets for market placement. The law applies to tobacco goods that are processed and exempt from excise duty, which are identified by the color red. Tobacco goods that are taxed are made to be two shades of brown, similar to the color of Havana cigars. 
The emblem of the Italian Republic appears on the right side of the marking, followed by a barcode on the left. The marks have the legend "FISCAL MONOPOLY" horizontally at the top and "MANUFACTURED TOBACCO" at the bottom. The Customs and Monopolies Agency will be able to conduct inspections and controls. Legitimation marks are placed to packages and closures to prevent opening without damaging them.

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