Survey on the Use of Disinfectant Biocidal Products in Belgium Reveal Flaws in Product Labeling

March 10, 2023

According to the study, labels aren't always read or comprehended correctly. Only one in five people polled said they read the full label before making a purchase. Some users stop reading the entire notice because they presume, they already know the purpose.

Depending on the type of disinfectant, 5% to 8% of respondents say the information on the packaging is ambiguous.

This is due to a number of things, such as the small text and lack of contrast between the text and the background, as well as the cryptic language and words on the label.

The poll also found that users don't always follow the directions. The touch time required for successful skin disinfection and the disinfectant's expiration date are not known to 50% of Belgians.

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