The ECHA’s new regulations threaten to undermine the European chemical market while making the Union progressively dependent on China for raw resources

May 25, 2023

The European Union's Chemical Agency (ECHA) is moving from risk to hazard-based assessments of chemicals, allowing regulators to label substances as dangerous based on hypothetical characteristics rather than real-world exposure to harm.

This change could undermine the European chemical market and make the Union progressively dependent on China for raw resources. Essential oils found in various products, are essential components for clean beauty and provide protection from mosquito and tick bites.

However, the introduction of hazard-based thinking will change the designation of essential oils as complex natural substances. Rule-makers may label these mixtures as dangerous chemicals or ban them entirely under EU regulation 2021/1902. European consumers tend to avoid buying products with skulls and crossbones stamped on them.

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